TRUTH is what the world needs now... I am happy to say that my Historic Novel called UPPER ROOM, THE WAY: 33AD to 57AD is starting new conversations about the Shroud of Turin being 2,000 years old and the actual burial cloth of Jesus Christ Himself.
Also I am especially happy now with all the new movies coming out and new videos presenting the scientific proof on how the Carbon Dating test was right, then wrong. The corner piece of the Shroud taken for testing was mostly made of cotton, not linen like the rest of the Shroud. This piece was a repair patch, cotton dyed to match in color and woven into the surrounding linen. The radiocarbon dating test done in 1988 was correct on the year for the repair patch, but declaring the linen Shroud a medieval fake was a grave injustice to science and the people of our world.
Barrie Schwortz, President of the not-for-profit STERA, Inc. and member of the STURP team that did the first major study on the Shroud in 1978, presented this Link: A New Video telling the details on why the carbon dating test had failed.
I agree with Barrie's post that this is a "must see" video. Please click on the Link above embedded in the words saying New Video and in a light blue color. Perhaps it is time the media starts presenting the real facts about Jesus' Shroud and that the image is still unexplainable scientifically. God knows today's world needs to hear the one word that does explain the image - Resurrection.
A blessed Easter to all,
- LJ
Author of UPPER ROOM, THE WAY: 33AD to 57AD
All Author and Publisher's profits go to help the poor from sales of this Historical Novel