Mr. Wesselow, an art historian, has a book called THE SIGN stating that the Shroud of Turin is real, but the resurrection did not occur. Instead, viewing just the image on the Shroud became the new catalyst for followers to go out and face the penalty of death by declaring Jesus the Son of God.
Mr. Wesselow is correct by stating the Shroud of Turin is 2,000 years old and authentic. Science has proven that. However, he is in error with his assumption that only the image on the Shroud caused Jesus' followers to go out onto the streets of Jerusalem and proclaim a statement that Jesus had risen from the dead. The study of human nature shows people will need a great deal more than an image on a cloth to risk their own death. This reason stands true because there wasn't a single thing to gain for any follower to go out and proclaim Jesus had risen from the dead. A claim like that would only get them thrown in jail or killed and at the same time cause the destruction of the Shroud that held the very image.
With Mr. Wesselow's belief that the Shroud traveled to Damascus and then to the city of Edessa, has serious issues. Also claiming that Saul saw the Shroud's image in Damascus and became a believer because of that viewing, doesn't fit Saul's attributes at the time. Saul would have arrested any follower of Jesus upon sight and destroyed the Shroud before any viewing or cognizant thought. Another error is in the timeline, the Shroud would have already been in Edessa for some time before Saul went to Damascus. Saul became Paul because he saw Jesus as a transformation or spirit, thus matching Paul descriptions exactly. Paul never described seeing Jesus as something on a cloth or shroud. The fact that the Shroud still exists today proves the cloth was never shown in public and thus never placed at risk of being destroyed.
a) The image on the shroud shows no signs of decomposition on the body. The eye sockets that decay immediately, (they sink and collapse inward) are normal in the image. An image made 3 days after they nailed Jesus to a tree.
b) How do you explain the report about the partial image on the other side of the shroud that is in registration with the face we all have seen on the front?
c) If a second image (partial or complete) is confirmed to be on the backside of the Shroud, Physics explains how gases from decomposition work. Recreating the details of the cloth and a decaying body has been done, the gases that rise will stain an image on the side of the cloth facing the body. However, Physics proves that gases do not rise through a cloth and not leave any additional stains on the inner threads (such as on the Shroud), then come out the other side, stop, and float back down again to stain an image on the opposite side of the cloth! This is impossible. One current claim is that there are two exact images on the Shroud in perfect registration and only on the first microfibers of the first threads on each side!
d) Recreating the cloth, conditions of the tomb, and death of a body, does stain an image. However, the image created lacks many qualities found on the Shroud of Turin and is not a true replication.
Also, how do you explain away reports that Jesus appeared to people a day's journey apart and almost at the same time?
Then there is the question about what happened to the body? Neither the Romans or the High Priest produced any data to explain why Jesus' body was gone.
If you are going to research something, research all the science, not just the art history! Don't write a book about Jesus just to make money and attention, I didn't... I don't keep any royalties received from my novel and I have stated previously that this is not about me... you don't need to know me, you need to know Jesus.
Peace be with you.
- LJ
Author of UPPER ROOM, THE WAY: 33AD to 57AD
Author and Publisher's profits go to help the poor from sales of this Historical Novel.