Also Bill has two articles published by Catholic Answers as previously presented here on my L J Williams blog.
Author of UPPER ROOM, THE WAY: 33AD to 57AD
Author and Publisher's profits go to help charities from sales of this Historical Novel.
L J Williams |
Shroud and Environmental / Energy Scientist Bill Lauto, has a Profile page at Catholic Answers. Also Bill has two articles published by Catholic Answers as previously presented here on my L J Williams blog. - LJ
Author of UPPER ROOM, THE WAY: 33AD to 57AD Author and Publisher's profits go to help charities from sales of this Historical Novel.
A second article by Bill Lauto, an editor with BBV Publishing, as well as an Environmental, Energy, and Shroud scientist, had another article published by Catholic Answers. The full article is below, but if you wish to visit and listen to AI read you the article, please use this LINK: - LJ
Author of UPPER ROOM, THE WAY: 33AD to 57AD Author and Publisher's profits go to help charities from sales of this Historical Novel. Bill Lauto, our editor with BBV Publishing, as well as an Environmental, Energy, and Shroud scientist, has his interview at the 2024 National Eucharistic Congress in Indianapolis being posted in multiple languages. INRI CRISTO has posted the video and article in Portuguese. Below is the article, first in Portuguese, then in English. O cientista Bill Lauto é um cientista ambiental e consultor de energia que acompanha e estuda o Sudário de Turim desde que tinha 14 anos. Tudo começou quando ele encontrou uma foto do artefato na internet e “não podia acreditar que estava vendo uma fotografia do próprio Jesus”. Hoje, com diploma em Ciência e Fé no Meio Ambiente e Energia e Mestrado em Estudos do Sudário, Bill é um dos membros especialistas na exibição sobre o Santo Sudário no 10° Congresso Eucarístico Nacional, que acontece esta semana em Indianapolis, nos Estados Unidos. Ao lado de uma réplica idêntica do Sudário, ele esteve na exibição “falando e educando as pessoas sobre todos os fatos e mais de 100 anos de estudos científicos que foram feitos sobre o Sudário”. E acrescenta que até hoje não se pode explicar como a imagem se formou e que “todos que a vêem são impactados de uma forma ou de outra”. Bill cresceu no Brooklyn, NY, frequentando uma escola católica, até que sua família se mudou para Long Island e ele foi para uma escola pública, e foi aí onde começou a questionar a fé. “Eu tinha 14 anos e estava entrando no campo da ciência e questionando a possibilidade de que Deus não existisse. Procurei Jesus Cristo na Enciclopédia Britânica, vi aquela fotografia e a partir daí tudo começou para mim”.Ele atesta que estudar sobre o Sudário o fez ter fé como nunca, pois é também baseada na razão. “Agora, quando as pessoas vêm até mim e dizem ‘Bill, você é um cientista, você não acredita nessa coisa de Deus…’ eu digo: ‘Você está certo, eu não acredito, eu sei”. “E então tiro da minha carteira a foto que mostra os dados tridimensionais de Jesus no Sudário de Turim e mostro para eles e enquanto eles ficam boquiabertos, eu digo que se você pudesse explicar essa imagem, então talvez possa falar com você sobre a possibilidade de Deus não existir”. E ressalta: “Mas todos os estudos científicos realizados há mais de 100 anos mostram que o Sudário tem 2 mil anos e a informação sobre ele é esmagadora. A evidência é esmagadora e você chega à conclusão de que sim, este foi o manto que envolveu Jesus Cristo, o filho de Deus”. English version:It all started when he found a photo of the artifact on the internet and “could not imagine how we were looking at a photograph of Jesus himself.” Bill Lauto is an environmental scientist and energy consultant who has been following and studying the Shroud of Turin since he was 14. It all started when he found a photo of the artifact on the internet and “could not imagine how we were looking at a photograph of Jesus himself.” Nowadays, with a degree in science and faith in environment and energy and a Master’s in Shroud studies, Bill is one of the expert members of the Shroud of Turin Exhibit at the 10th National Eucharist Congress occurring in Indianapolis. Alongside an identical replica of the Shroud on display, he is “talking and educating people on all the facts and over 100 years of scientific study that’s been done on the Shroud.” He adds that “the image itself still cannot be explained on how it was formed and everybody that looks at it is affected one way or another.” Bill grew up in Brooklyn, N.Y., attending a Catholic school, until his family moved to Long Island and he went to public school, where he began to question his faith. “So I was a 14-year-old going into the field of science and questioning the possibility that there was no such thing as a God. I looked up Jesus Christ in the Encyclopedia Britannica, saw that photograph, and from there, it all started for me”. He attests that studying the Shroud gave him faith like never before, as it is also based on reason. “Now when people come up to me and say ‘Bill you’re a scientist, you don’t believe in all that God stuff….’ I say, ‘You’re right, I don’t believe, I know." “And then I take the picture out of my wallet, which shows the three-dimensional data of Jesus from the Shroud of Turin, and show it to them and as their mouths drop open, I say, ‘If you could explain away this image, then maybe I’ll talk to you about the possibility of there being no such thing as God.'” He then ensures: “But all the scientific studies for over 100 years show the Shroud is 2,000 years old and the information on it is overwhelming. The evidence is overwhelming and you come to the conclusion that yes, this was and is the burial court of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. - LJ
Author of UPPER ROOM, THE WAY: 33AD to 57AD Author and Publisher's profits go to help charities from sales of this Historical Novel. Bill Lauto, an editor with BBV Publishing, as well as an Environmental, Energy, and Shroud scientist, recently had an article published by Catholic Answers. The full article is below, but if you wish to visit and listen to AI read you the article, please use this LINK: - LJ
Author of UPPER ROOM, THE WAY: 33AD to 57AD Author and Publisher's profits go to help charities from sales of this Historical Novel. Bill Lauto, an editor with BBV Publishing, as well as an Environmental, Energy, and Shroud scientist, was at the 2024 National Eucharistic Congress in Indianapolis. He gave tours at the Shroud exhibit, the most popular exhibit at the Eucharistic Congress, and was interviewed by several media groups. One interview has been published in the Catholic Virginian. In the article by D. Hunter Reardon of The Catholic Virginian, dated August 15, 2024, Bill Lauto spoke about the spear wound, fingerprints found in the blood on the feet, and other remarkable aspects seen on the Shroud of Turin. Below is an excerpt from the article. Bill Lauto, an environmental scientist... gave a talk at the exhibit. He discussed other remarkable aspects of the shroud, including the bodily fluid found around the spear wound, and the fingerprints found on the feet. Using the image on the shroud, Lauto painted a picture of the crucifixion. “With the weight [of the crossbeam] on his back, falling straight to the ground three times, he probably developed a tear in his aorta,” said Lauto. “The wounds on the shoulder all match carrying that beam.” “From the wound in his side, we can say it was made with a Roman short spear, not the long one,” said Lauto. “Using a short spear tells us the cross was no more than 6 feet tall, which means he was naked, on the cross, in front of everybody.” The complete article can be read with the Link below: - LJ Author of UPPER ROOM, THE WAY: 33AD to 57AD Author and Publisher's profits go to help charities from sales of this Historical Novel. I just returned from the 2024 National Eucharistic Congress that was held in Indianapolis. What an amazing experience for everyone who attended. Below are a few photos I took: Also Bill Lauto, Environmental, Energy, and Shroud scientist, as well as editor at BBV Publishing, was able to meet and speak with Jonathan Roumie, who plays Jesus in the historical drama television series called The Chosen. The Chosen is created, directed, and co-written by filmmaker Dallas Jenkins, it is the first multi-season series about the life and ministry of Jesus of Nazareth. The Shroud of Turin's exhibit was the most popular at the NEC with a line that never let up. People waiting 3 hours to enter, and to get the scientific breakdown of evidence and facts on Jesus' burial cloth. Which is the topic of my three historical novels, the first as you know, is Upper Room, The Way: 33 AD TO 57 AD. I will try to place additional blogs about the NEC soon. Thank you.
- LJ Author of UPPER ROOM, THE WAY: 33AD to 57AD Author and Publisher's profits go to help charities from sales of this Historical Novel. Once I started my classes for postgraduate certification in Shroud Studies, from the Science and Faith Institute of the Pontifical Athenaeum Regina Apostolorum in collaboration with Othonia, the International Center of Sindonology of Torino and the Diocesan Center of Sindonology Giulio Ricci of Rome, I realized a new edition for Upper Room, The Way: 33 AD to 57 AD was going to be necessary. After receiving my postgraduate certification in 2023, as a scientist that has been actively researching historical information on the Shroud of Turin for fifty years, I knew that I could not delay the new edition. Too many new facts, details, traditions, evidence, and studies had to be woven into the story. Every theory or claim that the Shroud of Turin was a fake has been proven wrong, debunked, or retracted. The story is infinitely more powerful! I worked to present events of the highest probability, derived from statistics, witnesses, documentation, archeological finds, scientific research, and the studies of human behavior. The probabilities presented in this historical novel are not widely discussed, and some may explain who were misjudged, misunderstood, or completely ignored. Then in tandem, I presents probabilities on how those who were evil, became good, and those who were weak, became strong. This historical novel has main characters that are not fictional. All information is based on decades of research from more than a century of conducted studies and two millenniums of history. A new cover design has be done and the new Press Release is below: - LJ
Author of UPPER ROOM, THE WAY: 33AD to 57AD Author and Publisher's profits go to help charities from sales of this Historical Novel. Called Them What They Are: Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ's, Burial Shroud and Face Cloth1/28/2023 The year was 1902. The first major scientific study on the Shroud of Turin was completed. This scientific study was provoked by Secondo Pia's first ever photograph taken of the Shroud in 1898. Pia reported that he almost dropped and broke the photographic plate in the darkroom from the shock of what appeared: a positive image of a man and a face in a detail that could not be seen with the naked eye. Pia immediately had to endure ridicule and false accusations that he forged the photograph. Then in April of 1902, the team of Paul Vignon and Yves Delage, an agnostic, submitted their paper on the Shroud of Turin for approval at the Institute of France, Sessions of the Academy of Science for publication. The paper presented in session had detailed step-by-step research and experiments by Vignon and his colleagues, which Delage had overseen and approved. Science had demonstrated that the Shroud was not some painting or other kind of forgery. At the end, Delage pronounced these words: “Tradition, more or less apocryphal, I would say – tells us that this is precisely what happened to Christ; dead on Friday and – disappeared – on Sunday. The Man of the Shroud,” the agnostic stated solemnly, “was the Christ.” The secretary for the Physics sciences of this day’s session was Marcelin Berthelot. He was not going to allow applause from the audience to resound in the dome of the Institute with the name of Christ. Berthelot was the renowned inventor of thermos-chemistry and one of the founders of organic synthesis. He was a member of the Academie Francaise and Grand-Croix of the Legion d’Honneur. He was a positivist and militant atheist. Censorship and sanctions would be the rule of the evening. Against all precedent, Berthelot notified Delage to take back his text, telling him to rewrite his paper with use of words to speak only of vaporography of Zinc, without making the least allusion to the Holy Shroud, certainly none to Christ. Science was betrayed in 1902, the first of many times for the Shroud of Turin, and each time because of some men’s inability to accept both faith and reason together. A fear to accept God and then be accountable for themselves. Take a moment in time now to put this into perspective. Considering this, is not to judge, only to consider for our own lives… If Berthelot allowed the paper to be published as originally written, perhaps the world would have become consumed with more and more studies. True journalists of the day would have spread stories and photographs around the world. At that time, photographs were still new to the world as they slowly became more readily available and a photograph did not fail to amaze. The world was yet to be inundated with images like we are today and if more photographs were taken and circulated about Jesus’ Shroud, each one would have been a catalyst. Scientists would have become engaged, governments atoned, people would have rejoiced. World War One may have never happened. No chemical and gas weapons deployed. No indoctrination of a young Hitler, no World War Two. Today, the failures of science continue, governments move toward totalitarianism, and a true Journalist is impossible to find. One must ask why we have not seen headlines across the world about the fingerprints on the bottom soles of Jesus’ feet. Monsignor Ricci’s discovery and research shows what is easily overlooked. Hands of whom grasped Jesus’ feet tightly in order to lower Him off the cross and carry Him to the tomb? Are these the fingerprints of John, the youngest and only apostle at the foot of the cross. Perhaps Joseph of Arimathea or Nicodemus. Do we dare think of the Roman Centurion, Longinus? That would have been unprecedented! Lastly and just as possible, one of the women that stayed with Mary, Jesus’ Mother. Even Jesus’ Mother herself must be considered. What person in the middle ages would think to make a forgery showing fingerprints, that need magnification to see them, on the soles of Jesus’ feet? Fingerprints visible under magnification were incorporated into the world of science in 1870 when Alphonse Bertillon, a French anthropologist, presented his work.
Where were the cries for peace and good will to humankind when the results from new Carbon dating tests came back stating the Shroud was 2,000 years old? Perhaps there was only a whisper because there was no popular media coverage of the test done in March of 2013 at the University of Padua in northern Italy. They used the same fibers from the 1988 Carbon dating tests and the results dispute the 1988 findings. The new examination dates the shroud to between 300 BC and 400 AD, which would put it in the era of Christ. Reasons for the different results were discovered because only linen fibers were used in the test. The cotton fibers that were woven into the same sample material were not used. The entire Shroud is made of Linen and cotton was used in this sample section because it was a repaired patch attached in the time frame presented by the original carbon dating test. The results in 1988 were again betraying science. Only one sample area was used, when 7 different samples should have been taken. To this day, failed science continues as shown with virtually no media coverage of the new dating test done with X-Rays (called WAXs) in 2022. Results show the Shroud is 2,000 years old. The facts continue to prove the Shroud of Turin is Jesus’ burial cloth and all theories to the opposite have been proven false. On and on all proof says yes, while none has been substantiated to prove against. Yet, humankind is still in the grip of not calling these cloths what they truly are. Thus, becoming the articles never written, the stories never read, the movies never made, the hands that never shook, the arms that never hugged, the peace never found, the joy never explored, the hope never shared, the faith forgotten, the truth stifled, and total love ignored. - LJ Author of UPPER ROOM, THE WAY: 33AD to 57AD Author and Publisher's profits go to help charities from sales of this Historical Novel. I received the flyer on the left through email. The conference room was at capacity and additional chairs were brought in to meet the demand. Someone formerly from the media was pushing hard to film the event. A Deacon and various church groups from several different parishes were in the audience. Bill Lauto was introduced and proceeded to passionately speak about our Lord's burial cloth for just over one hour. You would have heard a pin drop to the floor, if a pin was dropped. Some people drove 50 miles to attend because Bill Lauto, the editor at BBV Publishing, had life size images of Jesus' Shroud. I was happy that my historical novel Upper Room The Way, helped to raise funds for the Church with sales of over $500.00. I am proud that not only I, but also my publisher make all proceeds go to those who are in need. I left, as I arrived, knowing as Bill Lauto knows... This is not about us or my book, it is about the Son of God. - LJ Author of UPPER ROOM, THE WAY: 33AD to 57AD Author and Publisher's profits go to help charities from sales of this Historical Novel. When I wrote Upper Room The Way: 33AD to 57AD, I had set out to present the untold stories surrounding Jesus the Christ, His apostles, His Disciples and His Holy Burial Cloths: The Shroud of Turin and the Holy Sudarium. However, this automatically makes my book a historical novel, because I am unable to know for sure what words were spoken apart from what is told in the Gospels. Nevertheless, I strived, through research, to present real everyday life situations for everyone living at that time. However, the realistic reality of that time is not enjoyable to read and some will put the book down. As I evaluated those results with the start of my second book that continues the stories of our Lord's burial cloth, (Upper Room, Teachings Lost: 544 AD to 1898 AD, soon to be finished and published), I was happy to learn about a new show called, The Chosen. Are you watching? This new show is not afraid to immediately step into the reality of the day. Especially when the character Matthew, stepped into some animal scat. This new show will teach Hollywood what the people truly need: Hope, Faith, Love, Belief and to Know. This new show will teach all the ones that want money and power that we the people only need oxygen, shelter, water, food and loving support. This show will help, as I hope my historical novels will, for people to realize and know the truth and the way. I hope and trust that God inspired the words in my historical novel, UPPER ROOM, THE WAY: 33AD to 57AD All Author and Publisher's profits go to help the poor from sales of this Historical Novel - LJ |
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AuthorDespite this book being a Historical Novel, the main characters are not fictional. Their names are not made up and the presented events are of the highest probability derived from statistics, witnesses, documentation, archeological finds, scientific proof, and the studies of human behavior. These are probabilities not widely discussed and may explain about some who were misjudged, misunderstood, or completely ignored. How those who were evil, became good and those who were weak, became strong. Nevertheless, the truth is unchanged. For if there is a God, did He leave tangible proof for those of us who say faith is not enough? Categories
October 2024