Whenever I hear a story or news, I immediately evaluate the source and seek-out all other sources of data on the subject. I avoid early morning gossip shows that scream their narrative without facts and I read peered reviewed studies and reports. I check out the FULL interview or FULL video online, not the edited version. I always confirm with other entities and in other words, I do my homework. Even after that, when I speak on a subject, I try to avoid speaking as if I am first hand data. I give credit to where credit is due. Science evaluates all the facts to find the truth. That is the way, for science. Real science says, "I don't Know" and waits to speak until we do. Additionally, real science avoids predictions. If not, we shall only get, pseudoscience. Sadly, this has become our world today when the viewer is lazy and the presenter is greedy.
However sometimes after all the objective data is reviewed and proof is provided for all questions, except one, there may only be one conclusion left. This is the case with the Shroud of Turin. For those who say the 1988 carbon dating test proved the Shroud to be a fake, all I can say is, do your homework. The Shroud of Turin is the most scientifically studied icon in the history of the world. When you evaluate all the STURP team reports, additional studies, layout all the facts, read peered reviewed articles and tests done by unpretentious scientists from around the world for over 40 years, we know from hundreds of facts that the Shroud of Turin is 2,000 years old and the carbon dating test was done on the repaired edge of the shroud.
The Shroud is made of 100% linen, but the one sample on the edge for the carbon dating test has cotton woven within, a repair done at the time dated by the carbon test. So the carbon test was right, but wrong. Also note, as per Jewish law, cotton was forbidden in a Shroud.
So science shows the Shroud is 2,000 years old, but will not have a DNA test to prove the Shroud of Turin covered Jesus. Therefore we are left to answer with logic, thus leaving us with a subjective solution. You can believe the Shroud covered the Historical Jesus or Jesus the Christ.
However, if you believe the Shroud covered the historical Jesus, then you still have one more open question. How was the image made on the cloth?
If you believe the Shroud covered Jesus the Christ, then you know the answer to the previous question. An answer inline with the only scientific theories and evidence left to answer that question. The answer is one word. Resurrection.
- LJ
Author of UPPER ROOM, THE WAY: 33AD to 57AD
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