Then in April of 1902, the team of Paul Vignon and Yves Delage, an agnostic, submitted their paper on the Shroud of Turin for approval at the Institute of France, Sessions of the Academy of Science for publication.

“Tradition, more or less apocryphal, I would say – tells us that this is precisely what happened to Christ; dead on Friday and – disappeared – on Sunday. The Man of the Shroud,” the agnostic stated solemnly, “was the Christ.”
The secretary for the Physics sciences of this day’s session was Marcelin Berthelot. He was not going to allow applause from the audience to resound in the dome of the Institute with the name of Christ. Berthelot was the renowned inventor of thermos-chemistry and one of the founders of organic synthesis. He was a member of the Academie Francaise and Grand-Croix of the Legion d’Honneur. He was a positivist and militant atheist.
Censorship and sanctions would be the rule of the evening. Against all precedent, Berthelot notified Delage to take back his text, telling him to rewrite his paper with use of words to speak only of vaporography of Zinc, without making the least allusion to the Holy Shroud, certainly none to Christ.
Science was betrayed in 1902, the first of many times for the Shroud of Turin, and each time because of some men’s inability to accept both faith and reason together. A fear to accept God and then be accountable for themselves.
Take a moment in time now to put this into perspective. Considering this, is not to judge, only to consider for our own lives…
If Berthelot allowed the paper to be published as originally written, perhaps the world would have become consumed with more and more studies. True journalists of the day would have spread stories and photographs around the world. At that time, photographs were still new to the world as they slowly became more readily available and a photograph did not fail to amaze. The world was yet to be inundated with images like we are today and if more photographs were taken and circulated about Jesus’ Shroud, each one would have been a catalyst. Scientists would have become engaged, governments atoned, people would have rejoiced. World War One may have never happened. No chemical and gas weapons deployed. No indoctrination of a young Hitler, no World War Two.
Today, the failures of science continue, governments move toward totalitarianism, and a true Journalist is impossible to find. One must ask why we have not seen headlines across the world about the fingerprints on the bottom soles of Jesus’ feet. Monsignor Ricci’s discovery and research shows what is easily overlooked. Hands of whom grasped Jesus’ feet tightly in order to lower Him off the cross and carry Him to the tomb? Are these the fingerprints of John, the youngest and only apostle at the foot of the cross. Perhaps Joseph of Arimathea or Nicodemus. Do we dare think of the Roman Centurion, Longinus? That would have been unprecedented! Lastly and just as possible, one of the women that stayed with Mary, Jesus’ Mother. Even Jesus’ Mother herself must be considered.
Where were the cries for peace and good will to humankind when the results from new Carbon dating tests came back stating the Shroud was 2,000 years old? Perhaps there was only a whisper because there was no popular media coverage of the test done in March of 2013 at the University of Padua in northern Italy. They used the same fibers from the 1988 Carbon dating tests and the results dispute the 1988 findings. The new examination dates the shroud to between 300 BC and 400 AD, which would put it in the era of Christ. Reasons for the different results were discovered because only linen fibers were used in the test. The cotton fibers that were woven into the same sample material were not used. The entire Shroud is made of Linen and cotton was used in this sample section because it was a repaired patch attached in the time frame presented by the original carbon dating test. The results in 1988 were again betraying science. Only one sample area was used, when 7 different samples should have been taken.
To this day, failed science continues as shown with virtually no media coverage of the new dating test done with X-Rays (called WAXs) in 2022. Results show the Shroud is 2,000 years old.
The facts continue to prove the Shroud of Turin is Jesus’ burial cloth and all theories to the opposite have been proven false. On and on all proof says yes, while none has been substantiated to prove against. Yet, humankind is still in the grip of not calling these cloths what they truly are. Thus, becoming the articles never written, the stories never read, the movies never made, the hands that never shook, the arms that never hugged, the peace never found, the joy never explored, the hope never shared, the faith forgotten, the truth stifled, and total love ignored.
- LJ
Author of UPPER ROOM, THE WAY: 33AD to 57AD
Author and Publisher's profits go to help charities from sales of this Historical Novel.