I am not going to discuss the science behind viruses or masks, (however, only N95 mask will really work, the thin ones are a false sense of security and that is the science from years prior) I want to use the extra at home time to point out some facts and subjective conclusions about Saint Patrick.
His feast day is upon us every March and celebrating is great, however doing so to just get wasted, is not. Matthew Kelly wrote: "Don't let a selfish and irresponsible momentary lapse in judgment on your part, create a lifetime of pain and suffering."
Working in tandem with these words we should all know the life and facts about the REAL MAN called Saint Patrick. Immediately one would realize that spending his feast day consuming alcohol is far from any of the virtues St. Patrick lived and died for. It will behoove everyone, as they celebrate St. Patrick's Day, to learn the amazing feats about this holy man. I promise that if you do, you will not spend your time in a bar getting drunk, you will be helping to serve meals at a soup kitchen or hosting a get together (when the virus is over) to honor St. Patrick with benevolent deeds.
These tribes of people saw and believed that St. Patrick was a man of miraculous power. A power found in the countless Irish legends. If St. Patrick was unable to do miracles, he would have been put to death on day one. What St. Patrick really was to each chieftain, was a threat to their rule. Why would they convert? One word: Miracles.
So do we really need additional proof on who was St. Patrick? His famous prayer "St. Patrick's Breastplate" offers a glimpse into this saint's mind and heart. A man devoted to the Trinity, which legend tells us that he taught this to the Irish and to orthodox Catholicism by means of the shamrock. He was a man of monastic prayer and penance. Go now, accomplish great deeds on his feast day. Do not just believe, know, and great things will happen.
- LJ
Author of UPPER ROOM, THE WAY: 33AD to 57AD
All Author and Publisher's profits go to help the poor from sales of this Historical Novel