Pope Francis will visit and speak about the Shroud, before the event closes on June 24, 2015. The Cathedral of St. John the Baptist in Turin, Italy has hosted Jesus' Shroud since 1578.
Now a few facts about the title of my Blog post today... I am tired of the game being played by pretentious scientists or people that just want to get 15 minutes of fame and the media dragging out a controversy just to create ratings for profit.
Skeptics, are now sacrificing any creditability grasping at singular points to state the Shroud is a medieval forgery, while ignoring the multitude of facts that prove otherwise. The biggest fact ignored is the one against the claim that a medieval forgery was done to fool the primitive minds of the times. The fact is that whatever was done in the 1300s we can do better and faster today with all our technology, but somehow after 35 years and thousands of tests, we can NOT duplicate the image with all its properties on the Shroud. No modern day mind with today's technology or even with old 14th century crafts can reproduce the image on the Shroud.
In the end, an unpretentious mind will realize who else could this cloth cover other than Jesus. His legs were not broken, He wore a cap of thorns and He rose from the dead leaving an image on his Shroud as the last miracle to be fully understood today with our modern technology. Only because of the resurrection, a new faith was born and His followers were eventually called Christians. For two thousand years their faith grew and they didn't need to see Jesus' Shroud.
- LJ
Author of UPPER ROOM, THE WAY: 33AD to 57AD
Author and Publisher's profits go to help the poor from sales of this Historical Novel.