However, this automatically makes my book a historical novel, because I am unable to know for sure what words were spoken apart from what is told in the Gospels. Nevertheless, I strived, through research, to present real everyday life situations for everyone living at that time. However, the realistic reality of that time is not enjoyable to read and some will put the book down. As I evaluated those results with the start of my second book that continues the stories of our Lord's burial cloth, (Upper Room, Teachings Lost: 544 AD to 1898 AD, soon to be finished and published), I was happy to learn about a new show called, The Chosen. Are you watching?

This new show will teach Hollywood what the people truly need: Hope, Faith, Love, Belief and to Know.
This new show will teach all the ones that want money and power that we the people only need oxygen, shelter, water, food and loving support.
This show will help, as I hope my historical novels will, for people to realize and know the truth and the way. I hope and trust that God inspired the words in my historical novel, UPPER ROOM, THE WAY: 33AD to 57AD
All Author and Publisher's profits go to help the poor from sales of this Historical Novel
- LJ